My images are an invitation to cherish the fragility, changeability and fleetingness of every little moment in life.

Lotte Lisa Ekkel, a self-taught photographer, lives and works in Amsterdam. Without a predetermined plan, she captu- res poetic and intuitive images using only natural light. She seeks stillness and beauty in small, seemingly insignificant moments that often go by unnoticed. The awareness of this constant transition is always present within Lotte’s per- spective on the world and forms the basis from which she observes and works. Much like life itself, our perception of the world eff ortlessly evolves. Just as images transform through the shifting of light or one’s perspective in the literal sense, our experience of life similarly shifts with changes in our perspective in the fi gurative sense.


“I believe our thoughts and assumed truths in a given moment are far more dynamic than we realize. Embracing this notion enables us to appreciate the relativity and beauty of each moment, acknowledging their signifi cance while not burdening ourselves with undue seriousness, as all is destined to evolve.” The carefully chosen moments in Lotte’s work contain this ambiguity, as they reflect both the beauty and the everydayness of life, the stillness and the constant flow of change underneath it. By focusing on passing moments and sometimes small details, Lotte takes away the noise and helps us see the magnificence of everyday life.